We will present a Spotlight Forum Session and showcase our latest innovations and products designed to address the most pressing challenges faced by the transport industry.

This includes attracting and retaining staff, becoming more environmentally friendly through a more efficient use of vehicles, and quickly solving operational disruptions.
If you're interested in visiting us, we would be delighted to provide you with a complimentary visitor pass for the 3-day exhibition. Contact events@siscog.pt.
SISCOG in the Spotlight
We will also be presenting a Spotlight Forum Session, on June 7, named “Tackling staff shortages: using AI and OR to produce crew rosters with better work-life balance”.
SISCOG exhibition highlights
Attracting and retaining staff
One way to overcome this challenge is to offer staff the possibility of improving their work-life balance. This can be achieved by allowing them to express individual preferences regarding working times, days off, etc., and allowing operators to produce rosters that cover all work and satisfy preferences as much, and as fairly, as possible.
Algorithmic support can be used in practice to perform this difficult job, guaranteeing all work is covered and optimised.
Eco-friendly vehicle operation
The efficient use of vehicles represents a significant part of the costs and might have a large environmental impact.
At the same time, it is an area where major improvements can be made, by optimising vehicle usage according to the operator's needs and goals at any given time.
The financial and environmental perspectives go hand-in-hand - millions of euros can be saved while increasing the level of service, and an optimised vehicle plan can reduce the overall environmental footprint.
Overcoming disruptions
Even with everything foreseen and planned, the unexpected lurks around every corner, from extreme weather events to technical failures or unforeseen incidents. Restoring normalcy efficiently and as quickly as possible, minimising passenger or client inconvenience, is the goal.
Real-time dispatching solutions of vehicles and staff emerge as a game-changing empowerment for operators to proactively respond to changing conditions, and maximise overall performance.
Join us!
Stand 6B216, Hall 6.